Welcome and Introduction

Hello Learning Pod Group Member! I am so excited to get started on working on these projects with all of you. I already posted an About Me section onto my WordPress site and felt if I were to try and write an introduction it would be very similar or even the same, so for more of an introduction on me as a person, check out my About Me section on my site. So for this post, I will just answer the learning pod reflection questions.


What is your preferred mode of remote communication?

I would say my preferred mode of remote communication is a group chat through phone numbers, as I find that is the way I can see messages the quickest. Sometimes I find myself not checking my emails as often as I would like to. Along with planning zooms when planning or doing longer discussions.

What are your communication strengths?

I am good at communicating efficiently, with ideas, answers or solutions. I also find I am good at being adaptable with communication styles, although I prefer a group chat over phone numbers, I can totally adapt to whatever the group finds easiest and get used to checking that communication application regularly.  

 What are your communication weaknesses? Where would you like to grow?

An area of struggle is being clear and concise. I sometimes can ramble on more than what is needed. I would like to grow in that area, I will be sure that when sharing thoughts or ideas I will be sure to fully think through what I am wanting to say or write before doing it. Along with writing notes in point form to help keep ideas focused.  Hopefully using these strategies can help with my weakness.

 Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

I would consider myself an extrovert, I don’t mind talking in front of the class or during zoom lessons.

What time zone are you in?

I am in Victoria BC using Pacific Standard Time.

What time of day do you prefer to do academic work?

I typically like to do my academic work in the morning/early afternoon as I feel I am more productive during this time. I typically go to exercise in the evening.

When you are upset do you tend to share this with others or keep it to yourself?

 I would say when I am upset I will share it with my close friends or family, however with new friends I will likely keep my own things to myself. However if I run into a significant problem that I feel is affecting my work I will be sure to let my group know.

What do you like about group work?

I really like the collaboration element of group work. I like learning from my members and all our different experiences. I think the shared workload is a great plus that comes with group projects.

What don’t you like about group work?

At times group projects can fall on to one person ending up doing more work, which is my biggest con about group projects. However this is not the case for every project I think with good consistent communication and equal dividing of the project this worry can be avoided.

What else would you like your team to know?

I am super excited to get to work with all of you and I can’t wait to collaborate and hear all your awesome thoughts and ideas! 🙂 This picture was taken in Cuba, I was amazed by the colours in the sky.


  1. jyotib

    Hi Fran! Thank you for sharing a bit about yourself, its always nice to know more about the people we are working with 🙂 As your pod group member I’m glad to know that you also prefer texting rather than emailing, it’s much easier to get a hold of one another this way as emails often get lost. I also like the better infromaility around texting rather than emailing.

    It has been a pleasure working with you so far over our group projects and I can confidently say you have not rambled on so you’re doing great! I also share a similar perspective on group projects, although splitting up work and collaborating is great, it can be frusterating when others aren’t as participative. I hope we don’t run in to any of these problems and ask that you please share any concerns:)

    I’m a huge fan of sunsets and a good view of the sky so thank you for sharing that photo!

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