My comment on my group member Jyoti: HERE
Hello Jyoti,
It is so nice to meet you and be in a group with you for this class! I completely agree with you that I prefer working in person over Facetime when needed or working in a group chat for simple questions or sharing ideas. I feel with getting started on our blueprint our group has been super great about this kinda thing! I feel what you’re saying Jyoti about not always being on your phone, for me I think I am on mine too much so I think it is ok to not respond in a timely manner to a certain degree as in this world we need some disconnection from our devices in order to thrive.
The way you described whether you were an introvert or extrovert I completely agree with. I think in my introduction I am an extrovert as I feel in a class setting I don’t mind joining discussions or asking questions, however in a personal setting I stay close with my friends and family.
I am so glad that if something is upsetting you, you will share with us when needed as I think that is a critical aspect of group work. So that others can help you, or understand where you are coming from.
We’ve already got a great start on our project and it has been an absolute pleasure working with you so far and I’m excited to get deeper into our learning resource!
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