My comment to Jyotis Blog #1: HERE

Hi Jyoti! 

I also find peer feedback to be a very great method of assessment. I also find that it helps build the class community and gets students more engaged with each other, which I find is a critical element to include when doing an asynchronous class like this. I know that sometimes I struggle with peer feedback but I have read this article that helps me, giving some sample ideas and different ways for peer feedback. I hope you also find this helpful. 

I am totally with you on noticing that our class does not utilize summative assessment in the ideas of a test or final, however I was a little stumped as I notice we are still getting a letter grade and are creating something to be assessed after studying and working on it. I kind of felt the class had formative assessment with the comments then built to summative for our learning resource. What do you think about that idea? 

I noticed you did not touch on self-assessment, although in this class we are not specifically grading ourselves with the idea of picking our best blog post to submit for assessment. I believe we are using the self-assessment ideas of taking the time to reflect on our own work and choosing our best. Let me know if after pointing this out do you agree?

Thanks for such an informative post. I really enjoyed reading it!