Category: Comments on Introductions

Comment on Bruce’s Introduction

The link to my comment to Bruce’s Introduction Post: HERE

Hello Bruce,

Nice to meet you! Random question: were you in EDCI 337 in June?

Although we are not in the same group I think your quality of being a good listener would be extremely beneficial when working in a group, as you give others a chance to share their ideas. I also agree that sometimes starting conversations can be tricky but I am sure when working with your group and becoming more comfortable with them it will continue to get easier.

It is interesting how we all have different preferences for when we work best, as for me it’s the opposite to you and I work better in the morning as I often get quite tired at night. I completely agree with your liking of collaboration and seeing the diverse ideas and creativity that come from each individual that’s one of my favourite elements too.

It was nice reading your introduction best of luck with this rest of this course!


Comments Jyoti’s Introduction

My comment on my group member Jyoti: HERE

Hello Jyoti, 

It is so nice to meet you and be in a group with you for this class! I completely agree with you that I prefer working in person over Facetime when needed or working in a group chat for simple questions or sharing ideas. I feel with getting started on our blueprint our group has been super great about this kinda thing! I feel what you’re saying Jyoti about not always being on your phone, for me I think I am on mine too much so I think it is ok to not respond in a timely manner to a certain degree as in this world we need some disconnection from our devices in order to thrive.

 The way you described whether you were an introvert or extrovert I completely agree with. I think in my introduction I am an extrovert as I feel in a class setting I don’t mind joining discussions or asking questions, however in a personal setting I stay close with my friends and family.

I am so glad that if something is upsetting you, you will share with us when needed as I think that is a critical aspect of group work. So that others can help you, or understand where you are coming from.

We’ve already got a great start on our project and it has been an absolute pleasure working with you so far and I’m excited to get deeper into our learning resource! 
