The link to my comment on Muskan’s Blog post is HERE

Hi Muskan,

I really enjoyed reading your blog post it was both informative and engaging. Also, I know talking through some of our group calls you mentioned you were struggling with getting your uploads to be seen, so I am so glad they are all there now for us to read!

I am so glad we got to work together on all the learning techniques. I see the connection between the Open Pedagogies and our project. I also think that allowing the students to choose the formats of their projects allows for self-creativity while fostering diverse needs. While working on group projects I agree with how they are collaborating and sharing ideas as mentioned in your definition of open pedagogies.

Additionally, I think that hands-on experiential learning is another great element to consider. I also researched this topic and found that it matched our project quite nicely. I like how you pointed out that this project is not just about doing with hands-on experience but also about reflecting, I think that was an element I did not emphasize enough.

Thanks again for such a lovely blog post, I really enjoyed reading it!
