How will your interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met?
When looking into this concept of ensuring all learner’s needs are met I looked into the ideas with two different views through the UDL principles and through the 3 types of interaction. Additionally, on the theme of UDL, I found a great video on YouTube to help explain UDL. Providing you with the different principles of multiple means of representation using a video form.
Connections to UDL Principles:
When creating our interactive learning resource, we will look at a UDL principles guide. We know that the goal of the UDL is “identifying the barriers in the design instead of labelling the struggles of the learner”(EdTech Admin, 2023). I think that aligning our project with the UDL principles would completely make sense as our project is working with AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) devices, which our devices to help students with diverse communication needs with their learning and everyday life. Along with I think it connects as the device itself is designed with some elements of UDL. In our interactive learning resource, we will look to include multiple means of, representation, action and expression and engagement.
The multiple means of representation provide choices in how your learner accesses materials, using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic options (EdTech Admin, 2023). With this idea, our project will aim to provide information on the devices in various forms like video, audio, text and interactive work. These ideas help with the varying sensory needs of our learners to ensure all learners can access the content.
Moving into the multiple means of action and expression, our reading notes that it would be the ideas that learners demonstrate their new knowledge in different ways (EdTech Admin, 2023). Within our learning resource at the end, our learners are expected to create a project in a group to show their understanding of AAC devices. Our group suggested a presentation of slides, however, as long as the project addresses ideas in the criteria the project could be done in many different forms such as a paper, video, infographic or poster.
Lastly, we can look at the multiple means of engagement, this is the idea that you are planning multiple entries into the learning experience to support all learners, along with supporting self-efficiency (EdTech Admin, 2023). Through our teaching, we are engaging the learners in multiple ways such as group work, hands-on activities and discussions. In our other activity, we are incorporating a slightly gamified task where learners can get real-world experience with AAC devices. Using these varying methods will help to keep learners motivated and engaged.
Connections to Interactions:
In our reading, it is noted that group work using student-student interaction can be beneficial with thought well designed educational goals and learning outcomes (Bates, 2019). Throughout our resources, students are given specific learning outcomes in each part of the group work to create a stronger learning experience.
Additionally, I am seeing a similar connection between the 3 types of interactions to the gradual release model. The 3 types of interaction address the student-teacher, student-material and student-student interactions. The (GRR) Gradual Release of Responsibility model works with the ideas of “I do, we do, you do together, you do it alone”. The GRR helps to “foster student collaboration and create active learning environments” (Maryland Public Television/Thinkport, n.d.). I think it is clear that the GRR effectively incorporated the 3 types of interaction methods, as this is a progressive shift from teacher-led to student-driven learning. Through our resource, we are using a combination of these methods, providing teacher-led learning and resources, then moving into hands-on experiences as a class and in groups, and then sharing knowledge. This approach is a comprehensive way to ensure that all student’s needs are met and that all students will get the opportunity to engage with the materials fully with each other.

Image by Maryland Public Television/Thinkport
Bates, A. W. (Tony). (2019). 9.6 Interaction.
EdTech Admin. (2023). Universal Design – EDCI 335. EDCI 335 Learning Design for Technology-Mediated Environments.
Maryland Public Television/Thinkport. (n.d.). Gradual Release of Responsibility | Introduction.
Hi Fran, thank you for sharing your reflection on our learning activities. As you had a primary role in creating this activy due to your prior knowledge on the topic, I’m still expanding my learning on the topic. Thank you for your description of the activity here and it’s relationship to the GRR model, this really helped my understanding on the activity as well.
I strongly agree with the presence of the GRR model within our activity. The whole purpose of our learning plan is to teach a topic but also promote interactivity. The GRR models holds these values as it relates to “we” teaching and the learner later doing it themself.
Specifically, as we allow the learners to use the ACC devices themselves and gain that hands on experience. Thank you for sharing this connection and well done on indentifying the presence of the GRR model!
Hi Francesca,I love your blog and how you share your view on benefits of ACC devices,which is what impressed me most in this learning section. The incorporation of real-world experience with AAC devices provides practical knowledge and skills that are directly applicable in our daily life and that’s also what you applied in your blog.And what I really appreciate is that your blog does an excellent job aligning the project with UDL principles, emphasizing the importance of multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement.For exmaple,viewers or students are able to choose the methods they like.Thank you for your well-thought-out plan for ensuring the needs of all learners are met through UDL principles and the 3 types of interactions.