Month: August 2024

Comment on Muskan’s Blog #3

The link to my comment on Muskan’s Blog #3 is HERE.

Hi Muskan!

Thanks for sharing this awesome reflection, I really like how you went back to our rationale on how our resource could be for those with disabilities or those interested in learning. I think this is so important as it helps remove stereotypical barriers that come with disabilities. Along with I agree that within our activities we allow for self-reflection and collaboration with others having elements of experiential learning. I think this idea of experiential learning helps to make it accessible as students are able to work at their own pace as you mentioned. Additionally, I think our activities can reach individuals’ needs by allowing the exploration to be personal to each student.

Thanks for providing a great overall reflection on how our resource aims to be accessible for all, AAC devices are to make communication accessible for all so having our resource accessible is essential. Great work!


Comment on Jyoti’s Blog #3

The link to my comment on Jyoti’s Blog #3 is HERE

Hi Jyoti!

I really enjoyed reading your post! I agree with what you’re saying about how this lesson would be tricky to do if not in person. Personally, I think our activity is super great and I feel like having an at-home adaption, I was even able to find a free AAC device you can download from the app store that users could do at home with family or try it out alone. However I think your idea is a great at-home adaption, students could use the videos to still get a handle on how the devices work.

I also was thinking if there were not enough devices available in a classroom you could do a paper version where you could make printouts where students could create sentences to express needs.

Thanks for providing such a great adaption I definitely think we should consider this for our resource.
